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Vegetables should be softboiled, because sometimes they contain substances, which are harmful for the body like in green beans. Halfcooked veggies are also little difficult to digest. So if you...
Artichokes are extremely good for the liver. The bitter substances like Cynarin, Flavonoides and Polyphenole are stimulating the production of bile in the liver. This way the liver is cleansed...
Raw food, especially salad, is difficult to digest by nature, because of hard structures. With a weak digestion power due to permanent stress, wrong food habits or overeating, it is...
There are food items, dishes and drinks with a high vibration which can induce serenity and happiness within us. They also promote the connection to our universal energy source and...
This wonderful drink can be prepared in many different ways. The base is milk from happy cows or vegan milk made from almonds, oats, rice or lupins. It is cooked...
Buddha means “the awakened one”. With his energy of unconditional love, compassion and purity we experience the highest perfection and unlimited development of our potential. In some Vedic schools, Buddha,...
The Christ energy represents the energy of unconditional love, which transform everything, including the so-called “evil” into “good” or darkness into light. With the Christ consciousness you are connected to...
With the pure love energy of Mother Maria you connect with the all-healing universal unconditional love. This highest of all energies helps you to transform into a loving being. Like...
The Archangel Gabriel stands for purity and spirituality, so it makes sense to invoke him before any meditation. It also ensures fertility, growth and rebirth. You can connect with his...
With the energy from Uriel you can manifest your visions. You dissolve blockages that are necessary for a successful manifestation and leads. Besides he empowers you and bring self-confidence.  In...